New updates and improvements to Martide.
Mar 29, 2021
March 29th 2021 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
Shipowners & Crew Managers
- We fixed various bugs.
- We redesigned the Recruitment page and have renamed it Assignments.
- We added status and location filters to the Candidates and Seafarers pages.
Manning Agents
- We fixed various bugs.
- We redesigned the Recruitment page and have renamed it Assignments.
- We added status and location filters to the Seafarers page.
Mar 01, 2021
March 1st 2021 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
Shipowners & Crew Managers
- Bug fixes on the Data Templates’ requirements selection.
- Redesigned the Company Profile page
- Added a date selector option to the Onboard Report so you can go back and view a historic report of who was previously onboard a vessel
- Added a seafarers overview page to Planning
- Added an audit log
- Made it so it is now possible to remove crew slots from Planning
- Added a notes feature to seafarer profiles that enables you to create different types of notes and save them to the profile
Manning Agents
- Redesigned the Company Profile page
- Added a notes feature to seafarer profiles that enables you to create different types of notes and save them to the profile
Feb 01, 2021
February 1st 2021 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
Shipowners & Crew Managers
- General bug fixes
- Fixed bugs in the Planning pages
- Fixed bugs in the Crew Change pages
- Added a vessel group filter to the Documents page
- Added location and availability date filters to the Seafarers page
- Redesigned the dashboard
- Amended so that clients can now view Planning
- Amended so that Work History can now be sorted in descending order by the start date
Manning Agents
- General bug fixes
- Added location and availability date filters to the Seafarers page
- Amended so that Work History can now be sorted in descending order by the start date
- General bug fixes
- Amended so that Work History can now be sorted in descending order by the start date
Jan 04, 2021
January 4th 2021 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- We fixed some general bugs throughout the platform for shipowners, crewing managers and manning agents
- We launched a new candidates index and details page for shipowners, crewing managers and manning agents
- Added filters to the Onboard Reports
- We launched a new seafarers index and details page for shipowners, crewing managers and manning agents
Nov 30, 2020
November 30th 2020 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- We fixed some bugs in the Crew Planning function for employers / shipowners / recruitment officers / crew managers.
- We fixed some bugs in the Onboard Report feature for employers/ shipowners / recruitment officers / crew managers and manning agents.
- We fixed some other general bugs throughout the rest of the Martide software as a service platform.
Nov 13, 2020
November 13th 2020 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- We fixed a number of bugs in the system.
- We added the ability to delete Recruitments and Positions. In other words, you can now delete a job listing as well as any candidates who applied for that job.
Sep 07, 2020
September 7th 2020 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- We fixed a number of bugs in the system.
- We added start and end management dates to all vessels.
- We added a filter on the left hand side of the Dashboard that allows shipowners and crew managers to view the Dashboard as if they were a client. At the top of the menu there is now a drop down box that says ‘All’. To view as a client, click the drop down and click on the client’s name.
- We launched the Seafarer Client Status. If you are a shipowner or crew manager, when you view a seafarer’s profile you will now see two statuses: Master and Client. You can assign a status to each seafarer so that you know what is happening with them at any given time: for example: ‘Active’, ‘NFR’ (Not For Rehire), ‘Retired’ or ‘Applicant’.
Aug 03, 2020
August 3rd 2020 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Data Templates has been split into two to allow shipowners and crew managers to add a seafarer’s personal information, alongside the existing seafarer documents section. This allows you to specify which information you want a seafarer to fill in when applying for a position, i.e. name, gender, shoe size, nationality, rank etc.
- Data Templates now has a new index.
- Data Templates can now be duplicated/cloned.
- Closed jobs can now be reopened.
- The new shipowner and crew manager dashboard has been released.
- When creating a job, shipowners and crew managers can now select the time spent on a vessel in months as well as years; previously ‘years’ was the only option.
- A bug has been fixed on the mobile app for seafarers.
Jul 07, 2020
July 7th 2020 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- We added a new column in the Broadcasts feature that shows Recipients and Errors so that you can see who received your mass message and who didn’t.
- We added the ability to filter vessels by their technical manager.
- We added manning agents and vessels to the Seafarers page and Candidates page.
- We fixed the Expired Documents notification on the mobile app.
- We added the manning agent to the work history in a seafarer/candidate’s export PDF.
- We moved the navigation bar to the left hand side of the screen.
- We fixed a bug in the Broadcast feature.
- We fixed a bug in the Crew Change page.
- We fixed a bug in the public Company Directory pages.
- We fixed a bug in the push notifications to the mobile app.
- We fixed a bug in the PDF uploads.
- We fixed a bug in the Approval notifications.
- We fixed a bug in Data Templates.
- We fixed a bug in Onboard Reports.
Jun 01, 2020
June 1st 2020 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- We have fixed some bugs in the Crew Change page.
- We have also fixed some bugs in the Broadcasts feature.
- And we've fixed a bug in the Import Candidates Excel function.
- We have designed and launched a brand new home page on our website.
- We have designed and launched a brand new About Us page on our website.
- We have redesigned the seafarer jobs page: you can see all vacant jobs at sea on the Seafarers page underneath Who We Serve, and you can search for specific maritime jobs on the Jobs page.
- We have created a new Status page where you can see how well Martide's website is running or if there are any operational issues.