New updates and improvements to Martide.
Jun 03, 2019
June 3rd 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Registering as a 'Ship Owner' is now available and allows shipowners / crew managers to register a company by themselves.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now send messages to a manning agent who sourced a candidate. 'Manning agent chat option' is now available at each step of a recruitment process.
- Only Martide company users can see and manage candidates who create an account by themselves.
- Shipowners / crew managers can select the 'Martide' option at the advertising stage within the process of creating positions to ask us to find candidates.
- If an applied candidate passes the 'Interview stage' and is then moved to a similar position that uses the same pipeline, shipowners / crew managers no longer need fill out the same interview answers as they will be automatically transferred.
- Shipowners / crew managers now receive Change Over Date Reminder emails when there are 7 and 2 days left before the date, as well as 1 day after the date.
- If a candidate is hired by a shipowner / crew manager and they decide to apply the candidate to another position, the manning agent will be notified by email.
- Manning agents can now edit shipment details on the Shipment page.
- New design for the Recruitment page.
- Search option is no longer case sensitive.
- Download icon is now displayed next to each document in the system.
- If a document entry has several attachments previews for all of them will be displayed.
- Timezone of all messages now converts accordingly to the user’s timezone. This can be managed in Profile -> Settings.
- 'Availability Date' renamed to 'Readiness Date'.
May 06, 2019
May 6th 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can export a candidate's CV with the Export PDF button on the Candidate Profile page.
- Shipowners / crew managers can view manning agent fees at Settings -> Manning Agents.
- Shipowners / crew managers can set all necessary info in the 'Engine files' for each vessel. The field is now supported as a usual text input.
- Shipowners / crew managers can upload edit-protected and password-protected files.
- Shipowners / crew managers can choose Furuno FEA or Furuno FMD as the ECDIS instead of Furuno.
- Shipowners / crew managers can set any currency for a salary.
- Candidates can now subscribe for new job notifications on the Find Job page. Notifications are based on search results as set by the candidate.
- A Supporter now has access to all candidates who applied for the Supporter's vessel's positions.
- Supporters name now displayed for all positions that are created for the Supporters' vessel.
- The system now imports Qualifications Licenses, Medical Examinations, Qualifications Certificates, Training Experience and Next Of Kin data from NSE.
Apr 02, 2019
April 2nd 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- New document types have been added to the system. The full list of documents is displayed in a candidate's profile on the Document Edit page and in Settings -> Data Templates.
- It is now possible to add several attachments per one document entry.
- The system now only requires zip codes for countries that use them.
- Shipowners / crew managers can browse closed jobs.
- Shipowners / crew managers can edit the agreed salary at the Negotiation stage, but only if the recruitment is still in process.
- Excel import now supports work history. Example of an import document available for Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents is on the Candidates page. To download it click Import Candidates -> Download Example File.
- The system now imports the following data from NSE: personal profile, next of kin, qualifications, licenses, medical examinations and training experience.
Feb 27, 2019
February 27th 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now search for candidates using first name only, last name only or telephone number.
- Candidates can now view message history by clicking on the Message button under Settings.
Feb 06, 2019
February 6th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Martide company users now have manning agent functionality and can apply candidates to any public position.
- Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents can now import candidates via an Excel document using the Import Candidates button on the Candidates page
- Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents can combine candidates in pools for easy search and access by first creating a pool in Settings -> Candidate Pools. Users can then add a candidate to the pool on the same page or in the candidate profile. The search option 'Pool' has been added to the Candidate page to search for candidates within a selected pool.
Jan 25, 2019
January 25th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now see candidates that have registered themselves in the system and have set their Job Status as 'Actively looking' or 'Open But Not Actively Looking'.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now add several Alternative Document entries per rank.
Jan 15, 2019
January 15th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- A 'Work Experience' section has been added to the search filters on the Candidates page. Now a shipowner / crew manager can search seafarers by Rank, Years of experience and Vessel Type based on work history.
- A new search option has been added to the Recruitment page which allows shipowners / crew managers to search positions where candidates of a specific age have applied.
- The subject line in the notification email that informs a shipowner / crew manager about required action at the Interview Stage now contains detailed information about a position.
- Shipowners / crew managers now have access to a new Reports -> Onboard page where information about all hired candidates is displayed inc. vessel, position, name, and contract expiry date.
Jan 07, 2019
January 7th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now skip any chosen stages in the recruitment process for ex-crew by going to the Pipeline settings and turning on the Ex-Crew switch for stages that their ex-crew can skip.
- Minor search improvements.
Dec 18, 2018
December 18th 2018 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now select a group that will be responsible for each interview stage - e.g. a general interview can be managed by Group 1 and a technical interview by Group 2
- Each group will receive an email notification when a candidate has moved to the interview stage
- Selection of the 'Interview Kit' for each interview has been moved from the recruitment creation page to Settings -> Pipelines.
- The 'responsible group' can also be selected in Settings -> Pipelines.
Dec 13, 2018
December 13th 2018 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- CFM can now extract information about hired candidates via API.
- Shipowners / crew managers can use an extended list of tags for a message and contract templates - they now cover all candidate profile information.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now accept candidates during recruitment stages even if not all of the required information has been set. This feature can be enabled on the User Group page by turning on the 'Can be used for override pipeline approval' switch for a selected user group.