Martide's Most Popular Employer Blog Posts of 2021

Jan 04, 2022 · 8 mins read ·

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2021 goals list

Well, 2021 is now behind us and after most of us hoping that it would be a better year all round than 2020, we have to say it was marginally better but still not the year we had hoped for in terms of the global pandemic.

All we can do is look forward to 2022 and hope that this is finally the year that delivers on a brighter, happier and healthier future after the past couple that we've all been through.

And here we must say a huge thank you to the true heroes - the seafarers who have worked tirelessly onboard ships delivering the world's goods, products and resources, as well as the seamen and women who have been stuck at home and unable to embark.

So with that said, we’re not going to dwell on the negatives of the past twelve months but look back and see which of the many blog (52 if you're wondering!) posts we wrote over the last year were the most popular.

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Regular readers of the Martide Employer Blog might remember that we did this last year, so if you would like to recap that blog post, you can find Martide’s Top Employer Blogs Posts of 2020 here.

But for now, let’s do our annual run down of our most popular Employer Blog posts for 2021 starting from 10.

Countdown of Martide's most read employer blog posts in 2021

10. 4 Maritime Recruitment Challenges (And How to Solve Them) We’re not too surprised that this post was in the top ten as we know that maritime recruitment can be a challenge at the best of times. This blog post took a close look at four of those hurdles and offered some suggestions and solutions on how to overcome them.

9. 3 Ways to Stop Candidates Ghosting You Another issue that people working in maritime and crewing recruitment often face is the phenomenon of candidate ghosting - i.e. when an applicant is halfway through the recruitment process and then suddenly disappears without trace. If this is happening to you, and you’re losing candidates for some unknown reason, check this blog post out as soon as you’ve finished reading this!

8.  5 Digital Marketing Strategies for the Maritime Industry in 2021 As the world - yes, even the world of the shipping industry - becomes evermore digitized, shipping companies and manning agents are realizing that embracing technology to streamline and improve everything from crew planning to marketing is becoming more and more essential. This post looked at the digital strategies that would help employers and recruiters get more from their business in 2021. Time to update it with the newest trends for 2022 then…!

7.  4 Tips for Developing a Talent Strategy in Maritime Recruitment A look at how to assess your current talent strategy - i.e. the way you attract new candidates to your business, determine who you want to hire, figure out how to make your company more attractive than the competition, and discover how to create a great candidate experience, so applicants don’t ghost you. (See number nine above!)

6. What is a Crewing System & Why Does Your Maritime Recruitment Strategy Need One? A deep dive into what exactly crewing systems are and how they can help simplify your maritime recruitment strategy, while also making it more efficient. Interested in finding out more about how a crewing system can help your maritime recruitment processes? Take a look at this blog post.

5. 7 Employee & Crew Retention Ideas for the Maritime Industry Employee and crew retention can be an issue for shipping companies and manning agents of all sizes. If you struggle to retain crew (or office-based employees) and you want to plug the leak in your employee turnover, have a look at these seven actionable tips.

4. Life on a Container Ship: A Shore-Based Employee's Week at Sea In at number four was our look at a shore-based coworker’s week spent on a container ship. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a crew member on one of these floating giants, this blog post will give you some insight.

3. 10 of Martide's Favorite Seamen Quotes About Sailing Now we’re heading into the top three blog posts of 2021 on our Employer Blog and you’re about to see a theme occurring. Our posts about different seafarer quotes are always popular (you can find them on our Seafarer Blog too) and it seems this post full of inspirational seaman quotes about sailing, sailors and sailboats hit the spot.

2. 10 of Martide’s Best Seaman Quotes About the Ocean Following on from our third most popular sailing quotes blog and in at number two is this post with ten of our favorite seaman quotes about the ocean. With quotes such as “We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.” (Aristotle Onassis) this is the post to check out for all things ocean!

1. 12 of Martide’s Favorite Seaman Quotes No surprises that our number one most popular blog post of 2021 was, yes, another blog post chock full of quotes - in this case, twelve of them related to seamen quotes and all things nautical. Here’s a sample quote for you from Sir Francis Drake: “It is not that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better.” For eleven more seafarer quotes like this, have a read of this blog post.

There we have it, another year, another top ten list of Martide blog posts. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading some of them as much as we have writing them!

(And if you're interested, you can read our top ten Seafarer Blog posts from 2021 here!)

All that leaves us to do is thank you for reading and we hope that you’ll continue to be a supporter of the Martide Employer Blog in 2022. We’ll have plenty more weekly articles for you on everything from maritime recruitment tips and strategies to industry news, and from how Martide can help your small to medium sized shipping company or manning agency to…yes, probably a few more posts with seaman quotes too!    

Eve Church

Eve Church

Eve is Martide's content writer, publishing regular posts on everything from our maritime recruitment and crew planning software to life at sea. Eve has been writing professionally for more than two decades, crafting everything from SEO-focused blog posts and website landing pages to magazine articles and corporate whitepapers.


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