Martide Blog
We post regularly on topics ranging from life at sea, maritime recruitment, seafarer job seeker tips, maritime crew management systems and more.

Day of the Seafarer 2020
Jun 25, 2020 • 6 mins read •
Maritime Industry25th June 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of IMO’s annual Day of the Seafarer. In recognition of these demanding times the worries that the maritime industry is facing, and of course, in particular the challenges that seafarers are dealing with, the theme this year is Seafarers are Key Workers.

8 Things You Should Never Do When Working in a Job at Sea
Jun 11, 2020 • 9 mins read •
Life at SeaWorking in seafarer jobs can be challenging, both physically and mentally, even just on a regular basis. So it makes sense to try and keep the obstacles you need to deal with to a minimum while you’re working in jobs at sea. And that means avoiding certain things which could get you into trouble.

How to Deal with Lost Luggage & Documents When Working at Sea
Jun 04, 2020 • 10 mins read •
Life at SeaLosing your documents on the way to jobs at sea is a nightmare with a knock on effect on you, the vessel and crew. Meanwhile losing your luggage (or the airline losing your luggage) is a pain to deal with when you’ve got so many things to think about and do. Here’s what to do if it happens to you.

3 Issues When Traveling for Jobs at Sea (And How to Avoid Them)
May 25, 2020 • 10 mins read •
Life at SeaA huge part of jobs at sea is traveling abroad. And that’s not just for people who work in actual jobs at sea - plenty of jobs in the shipping industry involve travel and whether you’re employed in the types of maritime jobs ashore or those that take you offshore, it’s good to stay out of trouble!