Keeping tabs of everything about your maritime company – including the dynamic schedule of your vessels and seafarers – itself is already quite the challenge. Going through numerous lists and words that seem like walls of text that block you and prohibit you from getting the data you need at once.
When your traditional web pages have become more of a burden than a help, it’s time to shift your gaze to a visual website.
In this blog, we’ll explore how a visually optimized website can please the brain leading to the elimination of all the hassle of straining yourself and your mind when it comes to keeping and retrieving your company’s information.
With a visually optimized website, you can save time, quickly get any data, and know the status of your seafarers and vessels at a glance, so, without further ado, let’s get started!
What is a visual website?
Generally speaking, it is a website with visual content that showcases captivating images, colors, infographics, diagrams, charts, and layouts that convey and highlight important ideas and information.
Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster than text, and this means it's easier for human beings to process images than words. It also turns out that people are more likely to remember things they see over stuff they read.
This means that if we want to aim for users to pay attention when they visit your site (and remember what they saw), then including engaging visual assets and a strategic layout in your posts will help immensely!
Why visual websites are easier for the brain to work with
The human brain loves visuals. The brain can process visuals in less than a blink of an eye while it takes the brain around a number of milliseconds to process text.
Looking at a visual website, the brain is naturally drawn to what's immediately in front of the user. This makes it easier for people to digest and remember information from a site.
Visuals are also more engaging than text-based content, which makes them an ideal way for websites to quickly convey their message without having to rely on words alone.
When a website is well-designed and easy to navigate, visitors will be able to find exactly what they need in a matter of seconds – this helps them make better decisions on what products or services to choose.
As a shipowner or a crew manager who handles varying information and constant updates on your vessels and seafarers, having a tool that stores all data on crew changes and assignments, a vessel calendar, and seafarer status in one organized place and presents it as visually pleasing can greatly lift a ton of burden off of your shoulders.
Read more: What is Document Management & Why Should You Care?
A sample of this is Martide’s platform where the data is well-presented visually, making it easy to use!
Using visuals in a maritime planning system
Visual elements with strong contrast are much easier to pick out from their surroundings.
Contrast is a visual element that has a lot to do with how easy it is for your brain to process information. When you have high contrast between an object and its background, your eyes are able to pick out details more easily.
Color plays a very vital role in visual communication. It can be used to convey information, inspire emotion, and even influence our perception of time, space, and size.
In fact, color has a strong influence on how people perceive things. Colors affect not only what they see but also how they interpret those visuals. This means that every single element on a website needs to fit into a certain palette so it looks cohesive when viewed by users with similar backgrounds and preferences to yours.
Our developers greatly consider that visuals make a great user experience. Martide’s maritime planning platform features the ease of accessing data, including all vessel types, ranks, flags, ECDIS, technical managers, clients, PIC, and statuses.
Information about the seafarers can also be found here, including all seafarer pools, locations, planned start date, planned end date, not planned start date, and not planned end date.
Also, some information is presented in color codes in order to highlight certain seafarer statuses.
Shipowners and crew managers alike can easily monitor any vessel and seafarer’s calendar.
Why the human brain loves visual websites: conclusion
A picture is worth a thousand words. In fact, images are processed a thousand times faster than text. This is the reason why a visual website, such as a crewing system, is much more efficient to use and would greatly contribute to the streamlining of maritime recruitment and planning.
We all know that it is easier to convey complex ideas with an image instead of a long list of words or paragraphs.
To give you more of an idea, you can take a look at Martide’s maritime software since it is visually designed, giving you a 360-degree view of everything that’s happening, and helping your business achieve your company’s goals and make your processes more streamlined and efficient.
Whether you’re a shipowner, ship manager, or a manning agent, don’t hesitate to sign up on our website and we’ll be more than happy to assist you in attaining your goals in maritime operations through our visually designed platform.
Nathaly Seruela
Former content writer at Martide.
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