Why is My Date Formatted Incorrectly?

In Martide, when you enter a date into any of the date boxes across our platform, the system checks your laptop’s language settings and formats your date accordingly.

For example, if your operating system's setting uses the United States format, your date will appear like this: MM/DD/YY.

If your browser setting uses the United Kingdom format, your date will appear like this: DD/MM/YY.

If you travel between countries and don’t change the language settings in your operating system, nothing will change. For example, if you have your laptop settings as the United States, even if you travel to the United Kingdom, the date format will not change.

Therefore, if you want to change the date format, you will need to change your computer's language settings. To do this:

On a Mac: General → Language & Region → Region.

Note that the Data Format field will not affect the data in the app.

In Windows: Language & Region → Region → Data Format.

Note that the app will use the selected data format.

To view a list of various international date formats, please see this list.