Manning Agent Jobs

Here's how Manning Agents can submit their seafarers to our Assignment job vacancies. 

Your Jobs page

Log into your Martide account. The first page you see is your Jobs page:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime recruitment and maritime crew management system software

Here you can:

  • See the vacancies that a Crew Manager wants your manning agency to find seafarers for.
  • Filter vacancies by clicking the funnel icon at the top.
  • Click on a rank to find out more about the vacancy and apply a seafarer - see below:
Screenshot of Martide's maritime recruitment and maritime crew management system software

Here you can:

  • View more details about the vacancy, such as the engine types, visa requirements and job description, by clicking View Details.
  • See all active seafarers who are the right rank, their availability dates, if they have their documents, and their Master Status.
  • Filter seafarers by clicking the funnel icon to make it easier to find the right candidate. 
  • Sort seafarers alphabetically or numerically by clicking the triangle next to Name, Availability and Master Status.
  • Go to a seafarer's profile by clicking their name.
  • Apply a seafarer to an Assignment by clicking the Apply button.

How to apply a seafarer to an Assignment

In Martide a job vacancy with a set date is called an Assignment. To apply a seafarer click the Apply button next to their name (see image above.) You will see this:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime recruitment and maritime crew management system software

You can see a basic overview of the seafarer's details. Click Apply and their details will be automatically sent to the Crew Manager to check.

Back on the Jobs page, when you click on the rank, you will see their status has changed: 

Screenshot of Martide's maritime recruitment and maritime crew management system software

If you need any further help, please contact us at