The Vessels page is where you can see information about your fleet. Log into your Martide account and click Vessels in the menu on the left. You'll go to this page:
Here you can:
- Add a new vessel.
- Filter your vessels by technical manager company, vessel role assignees, vessel name, vessel status and flag by clicking the funnel icon at the top. This will open a side panel with the filters in it.
- Download an Excel spreadsheet of your vessels' names, IMO, names of the Master and Chief Officer, and the engine type.
- See a vessel's name, flag, IMO, if the vessel adheres to the MLC, the number of crew, Master and Chief Engineer, and status (active etc.)
- Click a vessel’s name to go to its profile page.
How to add a new vessel
Click the Add Vessel button at the top of the page. You will go to this page:
Here you can:
- Upload an image of your vessel or a logo.
- Enter the vessel's details: name, technical manager's flag, IMO, number of TEU, MMSI, and management start and end dates.
- Add the vessel's contact information, including the role and the name of the person from the drop down menus. Add the vessel's email and sat phone number.
- Add a note for the emergency contact.
- Add the vessel's specifications: vessel type, ECDIS, flag, trading pattern, special equipment, year built, call sign and cargo.
- Add the vessel's dimensions: length, width and gross tonnage.
- Enter details about, and upload, the vessel's documents.
- Select the billing contact.
A note about contact details
Contacts are Crew Operator, Technical Superintendent, Designated Person Ashore, Procurement Officer and Vessel Operator. When you select a User for a role, the relevant Pipeline stage will be assigned to them and the system will send them a notification to let them know. You can also add custom vessel roles if you need them.
Save your vessel and you will see this page:
Here you can view Vessel Details, Crew, Onboard, Working Gear, OCIMF (if the vessel is a tanker) and the Matrix by clicking the tabs at the top.
On the Vessels Details tab you can:
- See all the details you entered when you added the vessel.
- Edit details by clicking the pen icon in each section.
- Add more info such as your vessel's email login and password, more vessel specifications, engine specs, last position, and vessel names and managers.
On the Crew tab you can:
- Add the vessel's budget and currency.
- Add your planned crew numbers.
On the Onboard tab you can:
- See who is on board, their rank, nationality, actual left home and actual sign on dates, and their estimated arrived home date.
- Run an onboard report by date.
- Download a crew list to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Use the Document Assembly feature to create an onboard report.
On the Working Gear tab you can:
- See the ranks on that vessel and what working gear has been ordered for them. You'll need to add this in Settings > Working Gear.
If the vessel is a tanker, on the OCIMF tab you can:
- Download a report for the tanker as an Excel file.
- See and edit basic info for the tanker including the name, IMO, flag, operator and enabled ranks.
- See the tanker’s Officer crew details including name, nationality, CoC, qualifications and tanker experience.
- See the same information for the tanker’s Engineer crew.
On the Matrix tab you can:
- See your ranks (i.e. Master + Chief Officer), how many years they have with the operator, how many years they have in those ranks, and how many years on that vessel type.
How to upload a vessel's documents
On the Vessel Details tab, scroll down to the Documents section and click Add Document:
This pop-up box will open:
Here you can:
- Enter the document’s name.
- Select its type - i.e. Flag Registration Certificate or Class Certificate.
- Enter the document number and select its country of issue.
- Enter the document’s start and end dates.
- Upload a copy of the document from your computer.
How to set your vessel's budget and add planned crew
Click the Crew tab at the top and you will go to this page:
Click the pen icon in the Currency section to enter your budget and select the currency from the drop down menu.
To set your planned crew, click the pen icon in the Planned Crew section. You will see this:
All ranks will start at 0. Set your planned crew numbers by clicking the plus and minus signs.
How to see who is onboard the vessel
Click the Onboard tab at the top of the page and you will go to this page:
Here you can:
- See who is onboard including their rank, name, nationality, actual left home and actual sign on dates, and estimated arrived home date.
- Filter the onboard report by date by clicking the Report Date button.
- Sort seafarers by rank, name, nationality or date alphabetically or numerically by clicking the arrows next to their headers.
- Download the onboard report as an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the download arrow at the top.
- Use Document Assembly to create an onboard report by clicking the download arrow at the top.
- Go to a seafarer's profile by clicking on their name.
How to see and add working gear
Go to the Working Gear tab at the top and you will go to this page:
- See all the sets of working gear ordered for the vessel.
- Edit a set by clicking the pen icon in the right corner. This will take you to the Working Gear page. To read more about adding or editing working gear, see this page.
How to see your OCIMF SIRE information
If the vessel is a tanker, go to the OCIMF tab at the top and you will see this page:
Here you can:
- See the tanker’s IMO, name, flag and operator.
- See the tanker’s Officer and Engineer crew details including name, nationality, CoC, tanker experience and more. To find out more about syncing with OCIMF SIRE via Martide, see this page.
- Export the information as an Excel file by clicking the download arrow at the top.
How to view and edit your Officer Matrix
Go to the Matrix tab at the top and you will see this page:
Here you can:
- See your combination of ranks, their combined years with the operator, combined years in rank, and combined years on all tanker types. If an entry is green it means those ranks have met the operator’s requirements. If it is red, they have not.
- Edit entries by clicking the pen or delete them by clicking the trash can.
- Add a new entry to the matrix by clicking Add New at the bottom
How to filter your vessels
You can filter your vessels to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. At the top of the Vessels page there is a funnel icon:
When you click the funnel a side box opens and you can filter vessels by Technical Manager, Vessel Role Assignees, Vessel Name, Vessel Status and Flag:
If you need any further help, please contact us here.