
Your inbox helps you stay in touch with employers and manning agents. Here's how to use it.

Where to find your Messages

Log in to your Martide account. The first page you see will be your My Jobs page. Click the envelope at the top of the page:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

This will go to your inbox. It looks like this:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

How your messages are organized

The default view is your inbox. On the left you can see some icons:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

Here's what the icons mean:

  • Tray - your inbox (the default view)
  • Box - click to see your archived messages
  • Clock - click to see your 'snoozed' messages
  • Checkmark - click to see your sent messages
  • Document - click to see your draft messages
  • Trash can - click to see your deleted messages

You can archive or snooze a message by clicking on the box or clock icons that are at the top when you open a message.

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

You cannot send new messages from your inbox, but you can reply to messages that a crew manager or manning agent have sent you.

How to read and reply to messages

Click on a message in your inbox. The message and any replies to it you have sent will open on your screen. To make more room for messages, click the arrow at the bottom of the page to shrink the icon menu:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software
  • The message that is highlighted in blue is the message you are reading.
  • The details of the employer or manning agent who sent the message are on the right hand side.
  • Click the Reply button to send a message.

When you click the Reply button you will see this:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

Here you can:

  • Type your reply into the empty box. (The email address is filled in automatically.)
  • Save the message as a draft to finish later, cancel it, or send it.
  • Attach a file or document by clicking Add another file.

How to create a new tag for a message

Tags help you organize your inbox. When you have a message thread open, click the tag icon at the top of the page:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

Here you can:

  • Add a new tag by clicking on New tag.
  • Choose a tag that you have already created.

Now we're going to add a new tag:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software
  • Type the name of your tag into the box. We are going to call our new tag Travel Info.
  • Choose a color for that tag. We have chosen red.
  • Click Save when you're done.

Your tag will now show under the icons and in the message you have tagged:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

How to add a tag to a message

To add a tag to a message, click on the message. This will open the message in your inbox:

Screenshot of Martide's maritime jobs board and seafarer online resume software

Click on the tag icon. This will open up the tags drop down box again. Click on the flag you want to tag that message with.

We hope this helps you use the messages feature and thank you for using Martide!