The Assignments page is where Crew Managers can see their current and closed vacancies (Assignments) and create new ones.
Manning Agents will see Assignments a Crew Manager has shared with them because they want the agent to find them a seafarer.
There are two similar pages: Assignments and Recruitments. The difference is:
- Assignments: job vacancies when you need to hire a seafarer for a contract on a set date
- Recruitments: add seafarers to the database so you can hire them in the future.
Using the Assignments page
Log into your Martide account and click on Assignments in the menu on the left. You will go to this page:

Here you can:
- Add a new Assignment. (Crew Managers only.)
- See your vessels, the rank, how many candidates have applied, if any are ex-crew, how many have been hired, crew change date and status. (open or closed.)
- Click the funnel icon at the top of the page to filter Assignments by vessel, rank, crew change dates, status, pending stage, applied candidates, advertising agent (Crew Managers only) and visibility (public or private.)
- Click on a vessel's name to see an Assignment's details.
- Change the Status of an Assignment to Open or Closed.
- Sort your Assignments alphabetically or numerically by clicking the arrows next to Vessel, Rank, Applied, Hired, Crew Change or Status.
- Edit an Assignment by clicking the pen icon to its right. (Crew managers only.) Delete it by clicking the trash can.
- Download a list of Hired Seafarers and/or Assignments into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the 3 buttons at the top of the page.
How to create an Assignment
If you are a Crew Manager, click the Add Assignment button:

You will go to this page. (This page is long so we'll look at it in sections):

Here you can:
- Select the vessel name and the rank you want to hire.
- Select the Pipeline and Crew Slot.
- Enter the vessel's trading area.
- Enter the crew change date.
Scroll down and you will see:

Here you can:
- Select your currency and enter your budget.
- Select the nationalities you want to hire.
- Select the visa as required by the Data Template and any other visas you need a candidate to hold.
Scroll down and you will see:

Here you can:
- Enter the contract length and variance.
- Enter the experience you want a seafarer to have: time with a technical operator, in a rank, and on a vessel.
- Write a job description for the Assignment.
Click Next to go to the Requirements section.
Requirements for an Assignment
The Requirements section looks like this:

Here you can:
- See the personal information and documents a seafarer must provide to apply and be hired for the job. You cannot change anything; it's just for your information.
- Click Next to go to the Advertising section.
How to advertise your Assignment
The Advertising section looks like this:

- Select which Manning Agent(s) you want to use.
Note: If you don’t see a Manning Agent go to Settings > Manning Agent where you can choose the Agent you want to see as an option.
Below this you will see:

Here you can:
- Write a comment to the Manning Agent(s) and candidates.
- Choose if you want the position to be public or private. (See below.)
- Choose if you want the vessel's name to be public or private.
What are public and private adverts?
- Public: If you post a public position, your basic requirements are displayed on Martide’s job page. We’ll check our database for seafarers and candidates can also apply directly.
- Private: This lets you send your vacancy to Manning Agents. Unlike public vacancies, agents will be able to see all the information you included in your Data Template.
A gray button means the option isn’t activated, blue means it is. To change this, click the button.
Note: Unless you've used Alternative Documents to override your Data Template, only seafarers with the correct documents will be able to apply.
Click Publish Your Job and you will go to this page:

Here you can:
- See your vessel's name, its flag, the rank and crew change date.
- See the names of any candidates
- See the pipeline stages for this Assignment.
- Add a candidate by clicking the Add Seafarer button.
How to add a seafarer to an Assignment
Click Add Seafarer. You will go to this page:

Here you can:
- See the rank, vessel type and company name at the top.
- Click View details to see more info about the vacancy and vessel.
- See seafarers, their rank, availability, if they have the right documents, and the master status.
- Filter seafarers by various searches including name, location, rank, employment history etc. by clicking the funnel icon.
- Apply a seafarer to the job.
When you click the Apply button for a seafarer you will go here:

Here you can:
- See if any data or documents are missing, as per the warning message at the top. Add anything that is missing so you can apply them to the vacancy.
- See the candidate's name and personal details. Edit them by clicking the pen icon in the corner.
- Scroll down to see and edit the candidate's Medical Examinations, Vaccinations, Certificates, Endorsements and Travel Documents.

When everything is in order, click the Apply button at the bottom of the page and the seafarer will be automatically applied to the Assignment.
How to track a candidate through the Pipeline
On the Assignments page, click a vessel to go to it's Assignment Pipeline. Click the stages at the top to see where your candidate is at. For example, this seafarer has just had the Negotiation stage approved:

Here you can:
- See the stage of the Pipeline this seafarer is at.
- See who that stage is assigned to and how many people are watching it.
- Add another seafarer.
- Click any of the headings: Negotiation, English Test, Visa, etc. to see which candidates are at that stage.
- Approve or reject a candidate at any stage. If approved, they will move to the next stage and so on until you have either hired or rejected them,
Why is there a missing interview stage in an Assignment?
First, check the Pipeline's Settings to see if the interview stage has been created. Second, create a new Assignment because Pipeline changes are not reflected in Assignments or Recruitments that have already been created.
How to transfer a candidate to another Assignment
Crew Managers can transfer some Pipeline Stages from one Assignment to another. This is useful if a candidate needs to change vessels and they are halfway through the Pipeline for a different vessel. It means you don't have to repeat all the Stages again for the new Assignment.
The system automatically transfers Negotiations, Assessments (if the same type is required) and Forms (if the same Form is used.) You will be able to see which Stages will be transferred and which will not.
To transfer Pipeline Stages, go to the Planning page:

Use the filters to find the vessel you want to transfer the Pipeline Stages from. Double click on the blue candidate box in the calendar and you will see this pop-up box:

Here you can:
- See what Stages the Candidates are at.
- Add more candidates.
- Edit the position's dates.
- Check the circle next to the candidate you want to transfer then click Transfer. You will see this:

Here you can:
- Click the funnel icon at the top to filter and search by rank or vessel for the Assignment you're looking for, if you have a lot.
- Check the circle next to the Assignment you want to transfer the candidate to.
- The Transfer button at the top will turn dark blue. Click it to complete the transfer. You will then see this:

Stages that have already been approved and Stages that can be automatically transferred will have a green check mark next to them.
To transfer your candidate from one vessel’s Assignment to another click the Transfer button at the bottom of the pop-up box.
A note about assigned users and watchers
The person who you assign a Pipeline Stage to can be one of your company's users, a client, a Manning Agent or any of your Custom Contacts. Assigned users need to take action.
When a Stage is assigned to someone, they will get a Notification and if they need to take action, it will be added to their My Tasks page.
If someone is a Watcher they will be kept up-to-date via their Notifications but don't need to do anything.
If you need any further help please get in touch with us here.